Get 90% higher open rates by pre⁠-⁠testing email subject lines.

See useful feedback in minutes.

You need people to read your email. But with more emails sent every day, it's never been harder to stand out.

That's why we built Subject Line Testing. Tell us your draft subject lines and we'll make them better.
All you have to do is sit back & wait for answers - in as little as 4 minutes from start to first answer!
We're upgrading our platform and will return soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We're ready to answer it!

We think this is useful for any message you want to be read: a promotional email, a transactional update, an account credit, or anything else. If you want to be sure your message will be seen you have to craft a compelling subject line - and that's what we can help you do.

As you as you click 'Go' your potential email subject lines are tested. You can see the answers as they are given on a live dashboard, but we will also send you an email as soon as the results are finalised.

The default question is "which of these email subject lines would you be most likely to open" but you can also ask several other questions, including around testing the sentiment and comprehension of a specific email subject line.

It's up to you - the more answers you request, the more reliable the final outcome. We recommend you get at least 20 answers to test your email subject lines with the tool.

This is not yet confirmed but we'll let you know soon.

Absolutely, yes! You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your plan at any time.

Yes. To make changes once you're signed in, go to the 'My Settings' page from the menu toggled by clicking your name at the top right, and click the 'Update' button alongside your subscription.