Blog: The 30 best emojis for email subject lines (copy & paste!)

Emoji - tiny images - in email subject lines are email marketers' secret weapon: here are 30 to try today.

Emojis make the world go around. Here's thirty of our favorites that are proven to help increase your email open rates when you include them in the right subject line.

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(A tip: you can copy and paste the emoji straight into your email client - or get five more potential emoji suggestions for your own subject line by clicking the button alongside each example; you then get the option to copy them directly to your clipboard, ready to paste into your email.)

😃: the smiley emoji

A cheerful classic, the smile emoji is proving a positive way to drive engagement in email subject lines. For example...

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This will make you 😃

⏰: the clock emoji

Time is of the essence, with marketing emails and lots more. So why not use your subject line to dial up the pressure. For example...

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⏰ Time is running out...

🔓: the padlock emoji

When you're writing an email you want readers to know the value of the content. What better way than to imply it's locked until they read it? For example...

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🔓 Unlock our best deals today only

👍: the thumbs up emoji

Be hearty in your approbation, and lavish in your praise, said Dale Carnegie. Why not bring some positivity into your email subject line? For example...

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👍 10 things we really like

👀: the eyes emoji

Everyone wants to be seen - so why not make them look at your email? For example...

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👀 Sneak a peek at tomorrow's deals

🔥: the fire emoji

Your messaging is on-point and your deals are red hot - so why not reflect that when writing your email? For example...

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🔥 Warning: deals so hot they might burn

👉: the finger pointing emoji

Use this classic emoji to bring emphasis to your email subject line. For example...

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👉 Don't miss this

💋: the kiss emoji

Whether it's Valentines' day or you're just feeling romantic, why not spread a little love? For example...

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💋 Sealed with a kiss

🌹: the rose flower emoji

Again, a classic for the more romantic. Or those selling flowers. Either way, bring your emails to life with a bit of red rose romance. For example...

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🌹 Roses are red...

🎉: the party emoji

Bring it. Jazz up your emails with a cheery party vibe. For example...

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🎉 Let's celebrate

▶️: the play button / arrow emoji

Press 'play' on any kind of entertainment or music news in your email subject lines. For example...

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▶️ Latest release: out now

📩: the email emoji

Without getting too self-referential, this is an ideal image for a work email subject line. For example...

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📩 You need to see this

👋: the hand waving emoji

Everyone loves to wave at a friend. So why not bring that into their inbox? It's a powerful way to make your subject line stand out. For example...

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👋 Hello again...

✅: the green tick emoji

Green, the color of positivity. And a tick, or check, the international symbol of 'yes.' When they're combined in an email subject line? There's no stopping you! For example...

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✅ Your results are ready

🔴: the red button emoji

Is it a red button? Or a stop sign? Or neither? Either way, it gives your email some serious stopping power. For example...

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🔴 Stop - you need to read this

1️⃣: the 'number one' emoji

The silver medal doesn't count - it's go big or go home. So celebrate your success and have your emails show it. For example...

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Who's number 1️⃣ this year?

🏠: the home emoji

Safe, secure, home. Bring a bit of that into your email message, whether you're selling furniture or home services. For example...

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We'll clean your 🏠

💥: the explosion emoji

Your deals are explosive and you neeed to show that in your messages. For example...

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Bring the 💥 this season

✈️: the plane emoji

Travel is an obvious choice, but any time your customers might be thinking of getting away why not use this emoji in your subject lines. For example...

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✈️ Fly away next week

⚡️: the lightning emoji

Short-term price reductions? Newly launched products? Herald them both with a high voltage lightning emoji in the email subject. For example...

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⚡️ Lightning discounts: today only

💎: the diamond emoji

Long-known as a girl's best friend, this diamond icon is how you can convey priceless value. For example...

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💎 All that glitters...

‼️: the exclamation mark emoji

Yell and shout and let it all out by including this charming double exclamation mark in your email subject line; they can't ignore it! For example...

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‼️ This will never be repeated ‼️

⭐️: the star emoji

An elegant, simple way to draw attention to your email, no subject line is complete without a star. For example...

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⭐️ Shine bright this season

⚽️: the ball emoji

Americans know it as soccer, British people as football. Whatever you call it, playing sport is a global language. Bring that to your emails. For example...

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⚽️ Ready to play?

🍕: the pizza emoji

NOM. I'm hungry just looking at it. Bring your food deals to life by including a hot slice of pizza in your email subject lines. For example...

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🍕 Tasty deals this evening

🎄: the Christmas tree emoji

Do you wish it could be Christmas every day? Bring a bit of festivity into your email messages. For example...

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🎄How many days till Christmas?

🌈: the rainbow emoji

Beautifully cheery, everyone loves a rainbow. Add some shine to your email by including a rainbow in your subject line. For example...

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🌈 Your perfect color is inside...

🚀: the rocket emoji

Shoot for the stars by including the rocket icon emoji in your next email subject line. For example...

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🚀 3 - 2 - 1... liftoff for our daily deals

💬: the speech bubble emoji

Got something to say? Say it with an emoji in your subject line! For example...

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💬 What we're talking about today

📢: the shouting emoji

Want a loudhailer? Add one to your email message! For example...

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📢 Deals we have to shout about

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